BestFit Solutions helps small and medium sized businesses add to their natural advantages of speed and flexibility, tools and advice which increase their efficiency, effectiveness, and expertise.
The Problem
Given that most small companies’ are started by individuals who have expert knowledge of the product or service they provide, it is rare to find their limitations in this expertise. Generally, small companies are limited by capabilities which they did not bring with them when they began their company. The missing skills and information are usually found in places such as: accounting, employee management, business systems, business automation, marketing, and sales.
Since the country’s educational system does not teach small business operations, this is no surprise. Even college level courses don’t teach what is needed for a small business because nearly all education is dedicated to creating employees, not business owners. When businesses are family owned and passed down, the children have an opportunity to learn every aspect of the business, but few of those children these days follow in their parents footsteps.
The Analysis
With that background, what BestFit Solutions does next is to explore with a client the objectives which the client wishes to achieve. This is not a wish list, but an active interrogatory with the client to insure that the client understands fully the scope of their goals. Following this mutually educational step, BestFit takes the client through an analytical evaluation which is used to identify a client’s strengths and weaknesses. Depending on circumstances, the evaluation may be fairly low-key and informal, or very structured and formal.
The Proposal Process
Based on information gathered, a proposal is generated which contains recommendations which BestFit Solutions believes the client should follow. The proposed actions are specific and the expectations are spelled out to insure there is a common understanding. The client’s roles and responsibilities are also listed, and their active participation made a requirement of success.
The System Solution
Most small businesses suffer from a lack of system. Ad hoc actions, ‘Winging It,’ causes inconsistent results, and make it impossible for the company to increase revenue and profits. Most small clients have never even heard of a systems approach. BestFit Solutions has answers which strengthen the client’s business processes and systems and make them scalable.
Not all systems are alike, and the systems chosen will fit the client. There is a tremendous amount of detail to this kind of work, but the results are speed and efficiency (not to mention increased revenue and profits). Once systems are established, they can scale (grow) with the client’s business, and are a necessary requirement if the client wants to automate their business.
The Expertise Solution
Our menu of consulting services include: advice on starting a small business, writing marketing plans, writing business plans, business operations analysis, management consulting, marketing, SEO website marketing, website content generation, business automation, business operations consulting and manufacturing consulting.
The Tool Kit
BestFit Solutions has access to all of the business software tools available to small businesses, and has developed a few more to supplement them. The company has also created a number of training courses and published several score of white papers and articles about business systems, marketing methods, strategy setting, and business automation which the company furnishes freely to clients.
Melding Tools, Methods, and Expertise
This is where true magic can be seen. Up until now, the work has generally been arduous, tedious even. Using the expertise via workable methods in the business tools makes businesses revenues and profits grow. These properly equipped small businesses can move at a speed which boggles the mind. They know more about their operations and results than most companies, and they know it any time they choose.
The Eternal Students
David Brydson and Tom Daly consider themselves students of business, despite being dispensers of several kinds of business wisdom. They constantly question, test, measure, analyze, theorize and question all over again, attempting find the ultimate business answer. Perhaps it doesn’t exist, but they persist and further refine the methods they offer to clients.
BestFit’s founders have over 60 combined years of management and consulting experience are used to assist you realizing your goals. A wealth of free information is available on: business systems, marketing methods, strategy setting, and business automation.
Visit us at to see, or call either 888-790-8711 or 503-206-0333.